That player could not be added to the game because your versions of ZPC / Marathon are incompatible. Sorry, a network error ocurred and ZPC is unable to continue. An error ocurred while trying to join a game (an incompatible version of ZPC may have tried to gather you). Try again. ZPC was unable to start the game. Maybe one of the other machines in the game went down. The gathering computer never sent the map, so the game has been cancelled. Maybe one of the other machines in the game went down. One or more of the players in the game could not be found on the network and the game has been cancelled. Sorry, the gathering computer has cancelled the game (you should all gang up on him next game). ZPC could not register on your network and therefore cannot join a game. One or more of the players in the game could not be found to receive the map. The game has been cancelled. Sorry, that player could not be found on the network. He may have cancelled his Join Game dialog.